A multi-level developmental approach towards understanding adolescent mental health: Rationale, design and methods of the LIFECOURSE cohort.

Halldorsdottir, T., Kristjansson, A.L. Asgeirsdottir, B.B., Thorisdottir, I.E., Sigfusson, J., Tolgyes, E.M., Valdimarsdottir, H.B., Allegrante, J., & Sigfusdottir, I.D. (2020). Stress and adolescent well-being: The need for an interdisciplinary framework.  Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol

Maternal smoking during pregnancy and scholastic achievement in childhood

Kristjansson, A.L., Thorisdottir, I.E., Steingrimsdottir, Th., Allegrante, J.P, Lilly, C.L., Sigfusdottir, I.D. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and scholastic achievement in childhood. Eur J Public Health. 2017 Oct 1;27(5):850-855.

Cumulative risk over the early life course and its relation to academic achievement in childhood and early adolescence.

Ragnarsdottir L.D., Kristjansson A.L., Thorisdottir I.E., Allegrante J.P., Valdimarsdottir H., Gestsdottir S., Sigfusdottir I.D. (2016). Cumulative risk over the early life course and its relation to academic achievement in childhood and early adolescence. Preventive Medicine.

Stress and adolescent well-being: The need for an interdisciplinary framework.

Sigfusdottir, I.D., Kristjansson, A.L., Thorlindsson, T., Allegrante, J.P. (2016). Stress and adolescent well-being: The need for an interdisciplinary framework. Health Promotion International.